Tank sizing from 50lt to 40kl in plastic and larger in fabricated options are available.
S.G or Specific Gravity as it is known is basically the density of a liquid occupying a space. Imagine a bucket of fishing sinkers as compared to a bucket of water, the sinkers are much heavier.
Numerous chemicals share the same trait and lets use for example a 1.4s.g chemical in a 1000lt tank will weigh 1400kg. Therefore a 1.4 or 1.6s.g tank will be required for safe storage of the chemical.
It is important to not sell yourself short for example a 10kl (10 000lt) water tank will hold diesel as it is less dense than water but imagine the cost implications of a 10kl diesel tank failing wasting over R130 000 rand of Diesel.
Our tanks and knowledge in the chemical game is tops and we have a large selection of personelle in the welding and installation side to give you peace of mind.
Tank sizing from 50lt to 40kl in plastic and larger in fabricated options are available.