Septic and conservancy tank sizing available from 1800lt up to large systems of 100 000lt or more.
Firstly most people get confused about the difference between a conservancy tank and a septic tank so here are a few ideas on what you may be looking for.
A conservancy tank in a nutshell is just used to hold water that needs to be manually disposed of via a honey sucker or other means.
It is important to remember that a honey sucker will charge a callout fee no matter what the volume of the tank so it is important that a tank between 6 and 8kl is used as this is generally the volume capacity of most septic tanks. Imagine using a 1000lt tank and needing to empty it every 3rd day at R450 a load….. That’s R4500 a month whereby a 6kl tank will be R900 a month.
In a conservancy tank because their is no soak away or french drain all the water can go directly into the tank including kitchen, bath, toilet etc etc, just not rain water as the volumes associated with this are very high.
Septic tanks use ground filtration to dispose of household water into the environment in a safe manner.
It is important to note that only toilet water should enter the septic tank and be free from any chemicals that will break down the bacteria content of the tank. In existing tanks where all the piping flows through the existing septic tank care should be taken to try and use environmentally friendly chemicals that are safe for a septic tank system.
How the system works is that once the toilet is flushed the “lets call them solids :-)” flow into the septic tank. Even if they originally sink once the bacterial breakdown process starts the solids will float to the top of the tank where the breakdown process continues till their is nothing left. A clear odourless water then filters down from around midway to the bottom of the tank and the “clean” water then goes to your soak away where it is absorbed into the surrounding area.
NBNBNB if a smell occurs this is generally due to people placing a chemical down the toilet say jik or jays fluid which completely destroys the bacterial content of the tank and stops its functioning.
Need assistance or advise give us a call :-).
Septic and conservancy tank sizing available from 1800lt up to large systems of 100 000lt or more.
French drain systems available with your septic tank purchase.
From time to time a inspection of the tank may be required as sludge build up will occur and may need to be de-sludged. This may only be required every say 5 years and will just be toilet tissue etc that has not been broken up by the bacteria.